Web Hosting
Once you decided to host your website in one of hosting sites the Arabian or international you start to get confused and you put some important points and start looking for the best companies according to them. Each hosting company has its advantages and characteristics that serve all clients regardless their needs.
Defiantly each company take its place by its services and pleasing its customers. And each company try to make competition with the other companies by offering offers could catch clients by space and price regardless of its support and stabilization.
From this point we begin our target in Pals Coffee network that we will offer the hosting that clients could trust and to raise our services level we choose the database, hosting and servers that we will work with very carefully.
we present best follow ups, updates and website security services and present fast support services 24/7 by mailing or contacting or live support.
Pals Coffee network present full services in hosting and websites design with latest Techniques and permanent updates on internet web for best browsing to our clients’ websites.
Best plan for primaiy sites.- Storage: 3 GB
- Bandwidth: 150 GB
- Free domain with plan
- Unlimited email addresses
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- Control Panel: cPanel Supports all features
- 3 Backups on “another server” Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Best plan for standard sites.- Storage: 6 GB
- Bandwidth: 300 GB
- Free domain with plan
- Unlimited email addresses
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- Control Panel: cPanel Supports all features
- 3 Backups on “another server” Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Best plan for companies sites.- Storage: 10 GB
- Bandwidth: 600 GB
- Free domain with plan
- Unlimited email addresses
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- Control Panel: cPanel Supports all features
- 3 Backups on “another server” Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Ultimate Hosting
Best plan for VIP sites.
- Storage: 100%
- Bandwidth: 100%
- cPanel with Supports all properties: 100%
Special Hosting
Best plan for Special sites.
- Storage: 80%
- Bandwidth: 90%
- Email: 100%
6 Reasons to love our hosting
1- Support 24/7
2- Stabilization 99%
3- Three backups on another server
4- Refunding guarantee
5- Arabic and multilingual cPanel
6- Moving your website
Hosting contract
1. Pals coffee network is committed to maintain the privacy of any information about their clients, and not to leak any information to any party except if there is a direct order from the client.
2. clients have to settle payment in advance and in case they were not satisfied by hosting within 30 days with mentioning logical reasons they will refund their payment with adducting domain price and transferring.
3. Not allowed to put these materials in hosting: – pornographic sites – Files and programs that cause overload on the server.
4. client is legally responsible of what is published in hosting.
5. client has no right to sale or lease his hosting.
6. not allowed to use hosting for illegally purposes.
7. client receive his database after transferring the whole payment.
8. Support service just includes resolving hosting problems or domain or any problem in server.
9. Client assume to pay any extra features or editing.
10. Client is informed before his hosting date is expired, website will stay working after expiration date for 5 days then will be closed with keeping all its database for 30 day after that website will be deleted.
11. in case client didn’t settle his payments it will be adducted from hosting total price that lead to decrease his hosting period according to the adducted amount .
12. When bandwidth is overloaded website will be stopped automatically for the next month and in case client wants to increase bandwidth he has to request for it and send its price.
13. Pals coffee warning from any bad using to its server by hacking any website or hosting or account like (SPAM) – flooding – mail bombing or any try to overload on server or using processor or ram or memory or connect by using bad scripts.
+ Contract terms could be changed at any time by network management and all clients will be announced.